Sunday, 15 November 2015


Hippies  | protest | 1968

Hippies at Hyde park | 1967- Street style by Ted Polhemus

The Hippie movement started when young adults became sick of  established institutions. They believed the dominant maistream culture was corrupt and inherently flawed and sought to replace it with a Utopian society. They had a "free spirit" lifestyle with "if it feels good, do it" attitude with no concern about the consequences for their actions. Most hippies traveled to eastern countries to find a new source of peace and happiness. Hippies were known for abuse of drugs such as LSD, they use to open their minds to new dimensions. 


A big part of the hippie movement was their involvement in peace protests, particularly against the Vietnam war in 1955-1975.
John Lennon and Yoko Ono demonstrated a peaceful protest in 1969 by sitting in bed for 2 weeks. They wanted to show people how to protest and make a statement without the use of violence. 

Hilton Hotel | Amsterdam | 1969


Hippies used music to express themselves spiritually, emotianally and politically.  Music gave them a statement and a voice to there movement; it united people. As they explored their inner world, music guided them  along their quest for meaning. Heavy use of drugs enabled artists to create music with an open mind.

Jimmy Hendrix
Led Zeplin
Greatful Dead

Bob Dylan

The wind cries Mary by Jimmy Hendrix

Imagine by John Lennon

Woodstock 1969

WoodStock 2014


Two of the most popular patterns in hippie clothing were floral and tie-dye, but there were others that showed up time and time again in the free-spirited clothing they wore. There was usually quite a bit of color and the clothes could involve:
-Psychadelic designs
-Pop art
-Stripes (even the bell-bottoms)

Model Peggy Moffitt wearing a dress created by Rudi Gernreich.French Elle,May 1968 

Hippies Clothing in the 60s | Vintage Festival Fashion George & Pattie Woodstock 60s

Vogue 1967
sonny and cher 1965

Roy Lichenstein 1960's

Contemporary Fashion

Ashish Gupta

Roberto Carvalli SS17
Bottegga Vanetta A/W10

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